As of tomorrow, I will be 14 weeks pregnant. It is such a blessing to have a life growing inside me! This little one, formed by God, molded by His hands, is God's design, and this is no mistake in God's designs. We thank God for our blessings, and I wanted to share our journey on our blog.
This is our first sonogram taken two weeks ago today. It was during this sonogram that we learned our baby has a cystic hygroma. The cyst is around the neck area, but from the size of the sonogram pictured here, you may not be able to see the cyst. With a cystic hygroma, our baby has a chromosome abnormality. An abnormality of this kind can result in a range of disbilities, or in some cases, nothing at all. The range can be from Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome, Trisomy 18 or 13, or heart defects and other complications. The extremes are uncertain, but with very sensitive sonograms and testing, we can learn more and have a better idea of what is occuring in my womb.
We visited a specialist last week, and we now know the cyst has moved to the abdomen area as well. This growth in the cyst is characterist of Noonans disease, which is not survivable to full term. In another week we will know more when we visit him again, and be more certain, if it is Noonans or not. If the cyst has grown even more, then Noonans is most likely what our baby has. However, if the cyst has gotten smaller, then Noonans is ruled out, but we are still faced with the possbilities I listed above. And several of those - Turners, Trisomy 18 and 13 - are also low on the survivablity scale. We are considering, if we are at that point, of doing a test to better look at the chromosomes and determine what our baby may be dealing with. So, needless to say, through all of this, it can be hard to wait...but patience is what I ask God to give me.
For us, it is a road of trusting and having faith. Because we know God is in control, and we know He has a plan. It is not a bad road or a bad plan, in fact, God's road and plan is what is absolutely best for our family! Do we trust that and rest assured in it, or do we worry and fret and wonder? Sometimes I do, but the Lord says we just have to cast our burdens on Him. This is a burden, and one we do not want to bear alone. And I know I could not bear it without Him! He is my daily strength. And I can only look at this one day at a time with God holding me up.
Thank you friends and family for your prayers and support! Thank you for going through this with us!
We love you all dearly and feel so privileged to pray with and invest in your family. Your faith in our Maker is truly shown in your lives daily! Galations 6:2...thank you for allowing us to take part in carrying this burden! Love you!